Thursday, 22 December 2011

Idiocy in the patent world: A Tekapeel rant.

Patents have long been the staple diet of many company's, satiating their everlasting appetites that yearn for the opportunity to flex their rippling legal muscles.

Once, patents where a good way to keep your company's tech protected. For long years did company's live in relative harmony under the new lord patent until something happend. They discovered the secret power locked in the very depths of the patents soul and abused them. What happend next, can only be described as a complete and total mockery!

The leader of patent spats surely has to be Apple, for all its merrits; they seem to be intent on destroying rival products for the smallest intricate detail or massive vague one that slightly relates to their own. Take, the black bezel around the screen of a phone/ tablet as a prime example. The bar was set by this spate of odd and confusing patent wars that ravaged the pages of sites like Cnet and engadget for years. Until the fateful day when Hasbro, lord of toys and creator of the mighty Action man; rose up to do battle with Asus. As conquering and sucsesful as its namesake would suggest (Pegasus). The recently released transformer prime and its forbearer (the transformer) bear a resembalence in name to hasbro's popular series of transformer robots. Hasbro, get this, has sued asus for calling the tablets they created 'transformer'. I will now give a moment for the hillarity to die down. Well, maybe it wasn't that funny; i would go on a wild explanation of how this is a ridiculoas alagation and the likeness between a huge killer robot and a harmless (but no less monstrous) tablet.

Mull it over lads and ladettes, and don't forget to comment and like us on facebook (Please, it REALLY helps!)


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