Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Samsung galaxy ace getting an overhaul! Power boost, g-bread 2.3

The galaxy family of smartphones has been a massive sucsess for samsung, with the two leading devices of the moment (the note and s2) selling millions in mere days; one would forgive Samsung for milking that money bovine for all its worth.

And indeed they have! The mid-range galaxy ace has recieved a touch up in the form of a faster 1ghz processor up from the old 800mhz unit found in the previous version. The screen ,however, does not recieve any special treatment, the paltry 320 by 480 pixels given is scant in comparison to the brain melting display of say the galaxy nexus. It also gets a new shell to shake off the "banter" it has got from consumers claiming that it looks like the iphone 4s and its derivatives. Instead, it gets a shiny shell and silver-ish border around the screen that while tacky; doesn't look like a 4s. It looks like a 3g!


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