We at Tekapeel strive to bring the most up to date tech news possible, and today; ive gone one step further...
Intel is claiming its new line of branded "ultrabooks" are the future of computing, a swathe of mac air-esque slivers of metal have graced the internet over the past few months sporting spec's that do no more to lure people away from their burger-namesake laptops (see what i did there?) than a big mac itself.

But that may be about to change, i recently saw what can only be described as an incredible piece of technology that i would be happy to call the future. The asus ultrabook... First glance and you would be forgiven for thinking that it is the new transformer prime tablet, with its shocking thin-ness and concentric-ish circle, brushed metal design on the lid it does have a certain resemblance to the quad core tablet monster. But flip it over and you find, in a desperate bid to distance itself from the air, a set of square rubber feet. The brushed metal design is carried to the back and has a slight purple tinge that gives it a classy feel. Pick the device up and what greets you is joyful, the construction is simply amazing; it is as solid as a suitably hard thing and feels as quality as it's possible to muster from our mortal materials. You may think that asus paid me to write this article, you would be wrong. Nor is it my own device, nor do i intend it to be in the future.

Opening the lid reveals a very apple 1 piece trackpad that extends a fair way over the palm rest and sits flush with the main body. A small black line bisects the pad for half an inch or so, and it is indeed just a painted line; not a split in the material as i first thought. Adorning the palm rest are special gray intell core "i" sticker, this particular one bearing the i5 moniker, along side a similar windows 7 piece.
My only complaint as of yet would be the keyboard, sure it looks good; a dark silver (almost mirrored) sheen covers the deck with good sized keys sitting in the isolated design associated with high end laptops. The issue is, it doesn't
feel right. Shallow and unsatisfying taps lead to small amounts of travel and deep frustration as some key strokes are missed in the low set keys.
Well, while most of the ultrabooks have not shown to be the wonderful future as intel claims. But asus breaks the mold with this slice of awesome, i strongly recommend you take a look at one when they are widely available if you are in the market for an ultraportable or media pc.
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